In the brewing hall

Step one

The various malts are mixed with water in the mash tun and the mash is gradually heated from 55°C to 72°C to achieve saccharification.

Step two

From the mash tun, the mash goes through the wort filter, which removes the grain fibre. This is used as animal fodder.

Step three

The liquid wort then goes to the brewing kettle. Here hops and – depending on the beer – certain herbs are added. The wort leaves the brewing hall at 100°C. The remaining solid particles are removed by means of a whirlpool.


The temperature is lowered to 21°C using a heat exchanger. The brew is then pumped into cylindroconical fermentation tanks.


After the main fermentation which lasts seven days, the young beer is cooled to -1°C and the ageing process begins.

Bottling and consumption

Before bottling, the beer is filtered (except for the Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor) and in most of the beers, a small quantity of yeast and sugar is added for the refermentation in the bottle. After about three weeks in the ‘warm rooms’, the beer is released for consumption.